Need your cleaning in a hurry - no problem!

Our rush service allows you to get your garments back in as quickly as 3-hours.

Let one of our team members know and we’ll take care of the rest!

Get rush service at no extra charge. 


How It Works

Perfecting the imperfections

Your garments will be inspected before, during, and after the cleaning process.

We will look for stains, items in pockets, loose or missing buttons, needed repairs, belts, etc.

Dry Cleaning

Maintain the integrity of your garments by choosing dry-cleaning.

Dry-cleaning is an incredible process that gently cleans your garments in a water-free liquid solvent, leaving your garments fresh and soft like the day you bought them. 


We’ll get your shirts and blouses just the way you like them.

For crisp and clean garments, washed & starched, choose laundry as your preferred method for shirts or blouses.

Wash and Fold

With work, kids, traveling, projects, or hobbies, who has time for laundry?

Give us your laundry and receive it back cleaned and folded, so you can focus your time on more important things!

Schedule pickup and delivery so you don’t even have to leave your home!

Wash & Fold Pricing

Item Price ($) Minimun Order
Wash & Fold 3.50/lb 10lb

Fold Only Pricing

You washed your laundry but hate folding?
We can take care of that too!

Item Price ($) Minimun Order
Fold Only 2.50/lb 10lb
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